Aug 30, 2011

Survival Island

I downloaded the Survival Island scenario from here after I watched the Yogscast play it here (check out their whole channel here).  I used version 1.1 because it seemed like it was the most challenging, and it definitely had the most to do.  I completed most of the challenges (though I royally botched a key one right at the beginning), and after a while, I wanted to start over.  I had the original game save, so I started over, and now this island has been my most successful map to date.  It gives me nearly unlimited resources of most of the stuff I need, and it's been the most exciting for me.  Here's a quick overview of the island.  I'll divide this up into two or three posts.

This is a view of the whole island from a boat.

Here's my storehouse, recently remodeled.

As you can see, everything but the entrance and the very top layer is under the water.

Here's a view looking down into the storehouse.

And here's a view looking at the back of the storehouse.

I built a library on top of this enormous pole, and I recently lit up the pole with this stuff called glowstone, which is only found in the Nether.

It looks like that's all I'm going to share tonight.  I wanted to get more up, but I'm too tired.  I at least wanted to get something up, so I'll keep adding more pictures and improving on previous posts.

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